Blog admin musings about the Project-A-Day

Sometime soon I’m going to be migrating this blog from WordPress to my Gothtigger site.  I just need a working brain and my technical support guy to have some free time (Hi Stephen!).

Thinking about moving is a great time to evaluate how things are going on the blog: is it working, where can I add some fun elements.  So I’ve been noodling around with some ideas and I really would like input.

A-Project-A-Day – separate blog?

I feel like we are building a little community around the A-Project-A-Day blog posts.  Should I hive these off into a separate blog? Have the two blogs running side by side. A-Project-A-Day simply gets all the Project blog posts in a nice clean place by themselves.  All other posts including meta ones like this one stay on my main blog. What do you think?  Yes?  No?  Advice?  Advice and thoughts eagerly sought please?

Building a community?

A few people have now commented here and on lists that they’d like to do something like A-Project-A-Day for themselves, but they are worried about the time committment of locking themselves into a schedule.  I do feel like we are building a community here so I would like to offer space here where other people can join in and add their Project posts on an ad hoc basis.  So you can join in if you want without time pressure. I figure I can offer this in two ways – guest blogging or a separate blog.

Guest bloggers?

For example if I made every second Saturday “Super Blogger Saturday” and that day’s post would be put up by someone other than me. Either you could email your content to me ahead of time and I can format and publish it on that day or I could make you an author on the site and you can put the post up yourself. This would be open to any of my friends – a way to post irregularly without any time hassles. This could widen the pool of charts being discussed on the Project, but could conversely be seen as a cop-out as the content wasn’t all coming from my stash anymore.  Again thoughts, ideas, comments, would *you* be interested in being a guest blogger?

A new communal Blog?

Yes potentially a third blog.  A copy of the Project-a-Day format but open for all friends to use as a communal Project-A-Day blog.  So you upload your Project posts when you want to; regularly or when the mood hits. If no-one posts, the blog lays quiet for a while, but it is still there for anyone who wants to have a go.

There would definitely need to be some rules such as no product/designer-bashing, designers don’t review their own charts etc but we could work on these if this comes about.  What do you think?  Is this a good idea?  Or a spectacular failure?

So thoughts, ideas, would you be interested in taking an active part in this or are you happy just reading what I put out?  Is this ready to put out in polls or should I noodle it about some more? Talk to me please. I want opinions 🙂

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11 Responses to Blog admin musings about the Project-A-Day

  1. tiffstitch says:

    Interesting idea. I’d probably go for the third option so you still have your Project-A-Day separate and more “yours”. People could sign up for a day or just name it “Projects By Friends” or something similar so it can be as lively or lackluster as we’re all feeling. Great idea to help your friends out this way too!

  2. Stephen Silk says:

    Project-A-Day and Projects-A-Day

  3. Lana says:

    I think you still should do your own Project-A-Day blog with perhaps a second Project-A-Day blog/section for others to be a part of. I think you doing your own is helpful to you and one of the reasons that you started it was to give you a way of “working” on your stitching without necessarily doing the actual work of stitching due to your health issues.

  4. I think maintaining yous as separate is worthwhile too. I think I mentioned that by seeing your daily post, I’m getting an insight into inner-Melness, which I find utterly fascinating. You share your thinking process about how you chose a chart and why it hasn’t been stitched. I for one…am loving it.
    But I’d love a sister-site for communal project-a-day posts. I think your format is a winner and you can count me in as an occasional submitter.

  5. Mel says:

    So what about splitting the main blog in two – do you want my Project-A-Day blog posts on a separate blog or are you OK with the way things are? I’m happy to go either way, hence why I asking why *you* prefer? Perhaps I need to put up a poll tomorrow night after my nephews go home 🙂

  6. Fran Vidal says:

    I am not sure I understand what a Project A day is. Do you have to complete a project each day? Or do we post a comment each day? Could you please clarify for me how this works? Thank you

    • Mel says:

      Fran, my Project-A-Day is where I write a blog post every day this year about a chart in my stash. Why did I love it so much to buy it, but then not stitch it yet? Read here for more info and a list of the charts I’ve written about already:

      Projects-By-Friends will be the same post format made available for those who read my blog and have been inspired to join in.

  7. kay jones says:

    Keep your Project a Day. It gives me something sensible to read. Would be nice to see other peoples drivelings too,. Cant say I will join in. My computer skills seems to be like my brain, going backwards at an alarming rate but at least I’ll comment

    • Mel says:

      Oh dear if you think my rantings and ravings are sensible – your brain must be as Swiss Cheese as mine 🙂

      Yep – I’ll be keeping mine separate, can’t confuse any budding psychiatrists out there who are using me as a test subject for their papers.

      But I will be setting up Projects as Friends as well. So we’ll see if anyone is game to actually use that 🙂

  8. Jeanne in NC says:

    I enjoy your project-a-day and am looking forward to Projects as Friends.

  9. Sisu says:

    I am good with whatever you decide, as long as whatever you decide isn’t to stop blogging. 🙂
    With all my stitchy stash going into storage for the next 6 months, drooling over yours lets me cyber-stash dive. Even though it isn’t my stash, I can get a stash-fix when need be.

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